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About us

Barmat Healthcare is a Domiciliary and Nursing Care Agency that specializes in providing specialized care to Service Users in the comfort of their homes or in the community. Our company is rapidly expanding, we offer an array of care services delivered by fully registered, confident, qualified, and experienced staff. Our client base extends across Greater London, Kent, Essex, Surrey, and other areas. 

Barmat Healthcare is fully registered, compliant, and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We collaborate with local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), and other entities to provide care and support to clients at home, in hospitals, or within the community. Additionally, Additionally, Barmat Healthcare is committed to equality and diversity, making us an equal opportunities employer 1.

The team at Barmat Healthcare is led by a CQC Registered Manager with over 15 years experience in both public and private healthcare sectors. As an NMC Registered nurse, she has been involved in homecare for several years, accumulating a wealth of professional and personal experience.

At Barmat Healthcare, our mission is crystal clear: to provide the highest quality of care and support tailored uniquely to meet the needs of our clients and their loved ones. We take immense pride in our reasonably priced services, designed to exceed expectations. Our dedicated team is passionate about delivering excellence in patient-centered care, whether through hourly visits or around-the-clock assistance. Trust us to make a positive impact in your life or the lives of your loved ones, all within the comfort and safety of your home

Creating Comfortable, Happy Moments for Seniors.


Years of
experience in this field

Our Staff

We value our workforce and understand how instrumental they are to delivering our mission and vision. We are committed to their continuous training, job fulfilment, and professional growth. All our nurses and domiciliary carers undergo a rigorous process, including careful interviews, selection, induction and comprehensive training, to ensure the quality of our services. Additionally, our employees undergo thorough screening and a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. Their references and training records are meticulously reviewed before they are offered work placements.

This approach reflects our dedication to maintaining high standards and providing excellent care. Our Training programme empowers our workforce, which enables us to retain oversight of the content’s quality and its relevance to the covered topics.


This demonstrates our organization’s commitment to excellence and the well-being of your team.


We have partnered with accredited trainers to provide bespoke or specialised training to meet the changing needs of our clients giving staff a greater understanding of their roles and responsibilities.


Our staff comes from diverse background reflecting our strong commitment to Equality and Diversity. Barmat guarantees that no job applicant or employee faces unfavorable treatment based on age, sex, disability, nationality, race, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, or due to non-essential job conditions or requirements. This commitment to equality and fairness ensures that everyone is treated with respect and without discrimination

Barmat Healthcare’s mission is to deliver the highest quality of care and support tailored to meet their clients’ needs, all while maintaining reasonable pricing and professional standards 1.

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